Agencies & Consultancies

Training for agencies at all skill levels

  • Account management
  • New business
  • Confidence
  • Productivity
  • Writing
  • Motivating teams

In-House Comms

Training for in-house communications professionals

  • Best practice
  • Demonstrating value
  • Brand recognition
  • Confidence & Credibility
  • Media training

Kickstart Your PR!

Two-day intensive public relations workshop

  • Capturing media attention
  • Brand recognition
  • Engaging content
  • Supporting sales and marketing

Big Fish Balance

Mental health and wellness for communications professionals

  • Beating Burnout
  • mindfulness
  • Work-Life Balance
  • Mental Health in the Workplace

Kickstart Your PR!

Two-day intensive public relations workshop

  • Capturing media attention
  • Brand recognition
  • Engaging content
  • Supporting sales and marketing

5 Time Management Tips That Have Little To Do With Managing Time

When everything in your life is screaming "I NEED ATTENTION NOW!", no time management tool, mobile app, project management system, wall planner, organiser or 'to do' list is going to help. What you need is a reality check.

5 Time Management Tips That Have Little To Do With Managing Time

Working smarter is the only effective way to manage time. Or, as I prefer to think of it, 'use our waking hours wisely'I used to have a boss whose only answer to my workload problems was "work smarter". I don't know if you've ever had anyone tell you to "work smarter" when you've been working 18 hour days, living off vending machine snacks and snapping at family and friends for months, but my response was to punch him in the face. Or rather that's what I pictured as I smiled through gritted teeth.

He might not have expressed it well - or at the appropriate time - but the "work smarter" philosophy is pretty much the only effective way to 'manage time'. Or, as I prefer to think of it, 'use our waking hours wisely'.

A finite resource

Let's start with some obvious facts. Time, like money, is a finite resource. No matter how diligent you are with it, there's never enough of it to do everything. But while few of us waste money on worthless goods, many of us waste time on worthless tasks.

We take on everything that's thrown at us. Come in earlier. Stay on later. Skip lunch. Avoid socialising. Write lists. Work harder. Juggle more. Tick things off our lists. Start new lists. Get more things done. And get little or no thanks for our efforts.

Busy doing nothing

The only way to achieve goals is to set themBeing busy doesn't equate to be being effective.

You can reply to every email. Take every phone call. Produce beautiful spreadsheets and grow your own quinoa. But if your goal is to double your income, run a small holding on the Isle of Mull or play bass in a rock band, you're not 'using your waking hours wisely'.

So, let's state another obvious fact - the only way to achieve goals is to set them. Set them. Plan how you're going to achieve them. And stick to them.

Fixed goals, variable means

I learnt the phrase 'fixed goals, variable means' on a training course many years ago. It's a bit like 'work smarter' in that it gets your back up. It's too convenient. Too simplistic. But like 'work smarter', it makes sense.

If you're constantly grabbing at everything, starting new stuff and going with the flow, you'll do lots and achieve little.

Stick to a few big goals, try different ways to achieve them and you're more likely to get the right results.

5 steps to using your waking hours wisely

Okay, there's probably a lot more than 5. And you've probably heard them all before. And even if you follow them to the letter, there's no guarantee they'll work. But at least you'll stop kidding yourself that the panacea to all ills is time management.

1. Know what you're supposed to be doing

If your life's ambition is to be the busiest person in the psychiatric ward, carry on trying to do everything.

If, on the other hand, you want to keep your sanity, talk to your line manager/partner/best buddy/psychotherapist and agree what you're supposed to be doing with your life.

Then write yourself some goals. Goals remember, not tasks.

2. Give yourself permission to fail

Very few of us achieve our big goals. Life/work/people/sickness/laziness gets in the way.

If you're holding down an important job; looking after kids, pets and elderly parents; and trying to maintain an element of romance in a relationship, you probably need to dump/delay that novel you've been trying to write since 1992.

Give yourself a break. Give yourself permission to let something go.

3. Never say "I've got until Friday"

You know that job that's only going to take a couple of hours so you've plenty time between now and Friday to do it? No. Never. Forget it.

Experience shows that it will take at least twice as long as you thought. You won't have the info/resources you need. Somebody will add/change something. Nobody will be around to proofread it/quality test it/deliver it. And you'll get dragged into a three-hour meeting you didn't know about.

Don't just stick deadlines and appointments in your diary/planner/project manager thing. Go through every element of the job and put those in the diary too.

4. Plan for the unexpected

Even if you're dead good and plan in every element of a job, you have to be realistic about how long you can spend on it at any one sitting. Email. Phone calls. Colleagues. Customers. IT systems going down. Interruptions are part of life.

Don't fill your planners with just what you're working on. Plan in time for problems, reactive tasks, interruptions. If they don't happen, it will be like winning the time lottery!

5. Recognise the difference between urgent and important

When we're under pressure, everything seems urgent. The deadline we've known about for weeks is suddenly on top of us. There's a shit load of stuff that needs doing. And everyone wants everything yesterday.

Something isn't urgent just because someone says it is.

Urgent tasks are things that if they don't happen immediately people will die. Or millions of pounds will be lost of the stock market.

When you're sinking, stop thrashing about, take a deep breath and ask yourself what's important?

What will be the consequences of not doing something immediately? What one thing among everything else you have to do will have the best long-term effect?

Important tasks are tasks that help you achieve your long-term goals.

Changing the habits of a lifetime?

I appreciate than none of this is easy. A few tips and mantras aren't going to change the habits of a lifetime. But while it sounds crass, doing the same thing will get you the same results.

Take a risk. Don't reply to that email immediately. Be realistic about how much time to spend making a PowerPoint slide look good. And try to consider the long term effect of your actions.

Remember, nobody ever lay on their death bed wishing they'd spent more time at the office.

Training Courses for PR and Comms Agencies

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All of our training courses for agency professionals

talented with clients

Be credible, effective and prevent problems

talented in the office

Manage time, people and campaigns with ease

talented with the media

Writing and pitching stories that get noticed

bigfish balance

Wellness Programmes for PR and Comms Professionals
Advanced Presentation Training
with Clients

Become a captivating and effective presenter


Awareness of First Aid for Mental Health
Big Fish Balance

FAA Level 1 Award, Regulated Qualifications Framework


Beating Burnout
Big Fish Balance

Stop stress from dragging you down


Becoming a Manager
in the Office

Incorporate great management techniques into your daily life


Bespoke Leadership Coaching
in the Office

By application only


Bite-Sized Leadership Coaching
in the Office

Rapid coaching conversations


Client Management
Talented with Clients

Improve and develop your working relationships with each client


Confidence and Assertiveness
in the Office

Say what you mean, professionally and directly


Creating Work-Life Balance
Big Fish Balance

Don't choose between your career and your life: have both


Crisis Communications
with Clients

Where do you start when it all goes wrong?


Grammar Crammer
in the Office

Grammatical errors and how to avoid them


Getting Buy-In
with Clients

Influencing and Persuading


Internal Communications Training
in the Office

On demand courses for internal comms professionals


Improving Personal Communication Skills
in the Office

Make good working relationships great


Kickstart Your PR!
with the Media

Introduction to PR


Mastering the Art Of Writing
Talented with the Media

How to write almost anything


Menopause in the Workplace
Big Fish Balance

How it can affect us, our work, and what to do about it


Mental Health in the Workplace
Big Fish Balance

Cultivate good mental health


Mental Health for Managers
Big Fish Balance

Create greater mental wellbeing in your team


Mindfulness in the Workplace
Big Fish Balance

Keeping your focus in times of chaos


Management and Leadership Training
in the Office

Get the best out of your team


Neurodivergence Awareness in the Workplace
Big Fish Balance

Embrace Neurodivergence for a More Inclusive Workplace


Neurodivergence for Managers
Big Fish Balance

Unlock the Potential of Neurodivergent Team Members


Overcoming Imposter Syndrome
Big Fish Balance

Equip yourself with the tools to build more confidence


Practical Creativity for PR
in the Office

Power up your brainstorms and boost your creativity


Practical coaching skills for managers
in the Office

Increase your team's engagement and productivity


Professional Impact and Presence
with Clients

Stop being overlooked


Editing and Proofreading Other People's Writing
in the Office

The seven steps to successful editing


Presentation Training
with Clients

Make every presentation more engaging and effective


Refresh your press release writing skills
with the Media

Be more successful at getting your stories published


Social Superstars
With the Media

How to Make Your Clients' Social Media Communications Shine


Supercharge Your Writing
with the Media

Take your writing to a higher level


Supervising First Aid for Mental Health
Big Fish Balance

FAA Level 3 Award, Regulated Qualifications Framework


Pitching to the Media
with the Media

Get more of your stories published


Time Management for Remote Working
in the Office

Manage your workload from home


Time Management
in the Office

Manage your workload and get tasks completed on time


Writing compelling content for the media
with the Media

Make your writing effective, engaging and shareable


Writing effective news releases
with the Media

Get more stories published
